Art+Civics: Interdisciplinary curriculum projects
Public Professional Development Webinar

TUESDAY, May 28, 1P-3PM (EST)
+ Springwood Elementary. Stef Prieto (Art) & Mary Winsett (Science/Social Studies)
+ Florida State University School HS. Shannon Axtell (Language Arts) & Michelle Hartsfield (Art)
+ Fairview Middle. Benita Brown-Lyons (Media) & Janine Falah (Art)
+ Montford Middle. Sara Hogan (Social Studies) & Donald Sheppard (Art)
+ Augusta Raa Middle. Shawn Akerman (Social Studies) & Katie Aylward-Smith (Art)
+ Florida State University School ELE/HS. Egda Claudio (Art) & Marlon Williams-Clark (Social Studies)

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In this 2-hour professional development webinar, teachers can learn about curriculum that combines civic learning goals with art and place-based pedagogy.
Presentations will be delivered by teams of teachers (elementary, middle, and high school) who developed interdisciplinary curriculum for students in their schools.
Each presentation will share a unit that uses art to explore local places and teach toward civic engagement.